Celebrating 12 Years as an Earth Care Congregation!
"For God so loved the world..."

That word, "world," in Greek, is "cosmos," and it makes plain that God loves all of creation, not merely the human part of the earth. Recognizing God's passionate love for creation, as well as our own delight in this magnificent part of it, we became an Earth Care Congregation in November of 2011.
Earth Care Congregations are churches that have committed to the Earth Care Pledge and accomplished specific actions toward caring for creation in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
It's in light of this mission that we celebrate Earth Sunday and Lake Superior Day each year, as well as striving to incorporate Earth Care into our worship, our education, our stewardship, and our outreach. Check out the links to explore some of the organizations in which our members are active.
Earth Care Congregations are churches that have committed to the Earth Care Pledge and accomplished specific actions toward caring for creation in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
It's in light of this mission that we celebrate Earth Sunday and Lake Superior Day each year, as well as striving to incorporate Earth Care into our worship, our education, our stewardship, and our outreach. Check out the links to explore some of the organizations in which our members are active.